Beginning Agility 1

Description: This class teaches some of the basic skills that you will need to succeed in agility. Dogs and handlers will be introduced to several different types of equipment and confidence building exercises. There is an emphasis on learning in a safe and fun environment.

Prerequisites: Dogs must be 4 months of age or older, friendly around other dogs and have completed a home obedience class and be able to demonstrate basic obedience skills (sit, down, stay, come).

Cost: 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members

Beginning 2: Jumps and Tunnels

Description: This class focuses on two of the main obstacles in agility-jumps and tunnels. Dogs will be introduced to jumping and different types of jumps will be covered—ex: broad, panel, double. It will also cover different lengths of tunnels and configurations. Emphasis is on mastering the completion of these obstacles in a safe manner. Beginning Agility 2: Jumps and Tunnels and Beginning Agility 2: Contacts can be taken in any order.

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 1 or equivalent.

Cost: This is a 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members

Beginning 2: Contacts

Description: This class introduces the dog-walk, a-frame (at a lower height), teeter and table. Emphasis is on learning to complete these obstacles safely. Beginning Agility 2: Jumps and Tunnels and Beginning Agility 2: Contacts can be taken in any order

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 1 or equivalent.

Cost: This is a 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members.

Beginning 3

Description: This class continues with the work on all obstacles introduced in the Beginning Agility 2 classes. Focus will be on foundation and handling skills - intro crosses, with sequencing of 5 or more obstacles.

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 1, and Beginning Agility 2’s classes (Jumps and Tunnels & Contacts) or equivalent.

Core Skills: : By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • Short sequences using jumps, tunnels, A-frame and dogwalk

Cost: This is a 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members.

Intermediate Agility 1

Description: This class is a continuation of Beginning Agility 3 and continues development of each obstacle and handling skills. Weave poles will be introduced. Dogs are expected to work off leash.

Many dogs and handlers benefit from taking Intermediate Agility 1 more than once as they need more time to become comfortable with the equipment and handling skills.

Core skills: By the end of course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • A-frame at full height
  • Introduction of weave poles
  • Sequence of 7+ obstacles
  • Continuation of ground work exercises learned in Beginning Agility
  • Continue working on teeter

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 3 or equivalent

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Intermediate Agility 2

Description: This class is a continuation of Intermediate Agility 1 and continues development with each obstacle. During this class we will work on moving to full height for some pieces of equipment and adding more sequencing and handling skills.

Many dogs and handlers benefit from taking Intermediate Agility 2 more than once as they need more time to become comfortable with the equipment and handling skills.

Core skills: By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • A-frame at full height
  • Continue working on teeter
  • Continue working on weave pole
  • Continue with handling skills
  • Sequences of 8-12 obstacles

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: Intermediate Agility 1 or equivalent

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Intermediate Agility 3

Description: : This class is designed to add more handling work and more sequencing. Dogs work off leash. Object discrimination will be introduced. Focus is on mastery of all equipment.

Core skills: By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • Sequence of 10+ obstacles
  • Weave poles with wires (as needed) but no offset
  • Teeter at full height
  • Recall/lead out of dog over obstacles

This is a 6 hour class given in 4 sessions.

Prerequisites: Intermediate Agility 2 or equivalent. Dog 12 months or older. Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Intermediate Agility 4

Description: This class builds on the skills the dogs learn from Intermediate Agility 3. Dogs work off-leash. Object discrimination will be practiced as well as various handling skills. Dogs will learn to run longer obstacle sequences. Focus is on mastery of all equipment including weaves and teeter.

Core skills: By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • Sequence of 10+ obstacles
  • Work towards no wires on weave poles
  • Front/rear/blind crosses
  • Object discrimination

This is a 6 hour class given in 4 sessions.

Prerequisites: Intermediate Agility 3 or equivalent. Dog 12 months or older. Dogs must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Discrimination, Distance and Crosses

Description: Work on various types of crosses and discover which crosses works best in various situations and improve the teams timing and handling skills. Distance will be increased with discriminations added. This will lead to increased confidence on the part of the dog and handler with the objective of making running a course easier and requiring less movement on the handler's part.

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: Completion of Intermediate 3 or equivalent and/or preparing to trial in Intro/Novice or above levels.

Cost: Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Discrimination, Distance and Crosses 2

Description: Work on various types of crosses and discover which crosses works best in various situations and improve the teams timing and handling skills. Distance will be increased with discriminations added. This will lead to increased confidence on the part of the dog and handler with the objective of making running a course easier and requiring less movement on the handler’s part.

This is a four hour course.

Prerequisites: Completion of Intermediate 3 or equivalent and/or preparing to trial in Intro/Novice or above levels.

Cost: Cost: $56.00 non-members, $42.00 members

2 X 2 Weave Pole Training

Description: 2 x 2 Weave poles will be taught using the Susan Garrett method. This class is for dogs just learning how to weave as well as dogs needing speed and entrance accuracy re-training. Practice is recommended every day for 5 minutes and weave poles will be available to purchase.

This is a 4-week class. Last week will be used for distractions and proofing on weaves

Prerequisites: None

Cost: $56.00 Inactive members/non-members and $42.00 Active members


Description: This is a one night class working on sequencing. There will be a variety of challenges including layering and some distance. - 90 minutes in length

Prerequisites: Completion of Intermediate Agility 2

Cost: $18.00 non- member, $12.00 active member

Twists, Turns, and a Little Distance

Description: We will go over the various types of crosses that are typically used in running an agility course in a variety of venues. The objective will be to discover which turns work best in various situations for you and your dog and to improve your timing of the various crosses. We will also work a little on increasing the distance between you and your dog. This will lead to increased confidence on the part of the dog and you, with the objective of making running a course easier and requiring less movement on your part.

It is NOT necessary for you to have taken the first four weeks of this class in order to participate in this one.

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: Teams in this class should be trialing in one or more venues and be at the intermediate level or above skill set.

Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members

Back to Basics 101

Description: Each week a different obstacle will be worked. It could be tunnel/contact discrimination, contacts, weave pole entrances, obstacle entrances, etc. This is for novice and advanced dogs that want to improve their performance. This is a 6-week class.

Prerequisites: Must have completed first 4 basic agility classes.

Cost: $85.00 Inactive members/non-members, $63.75 Active members

Masters Agility Challenges

Description: In this class each participant will be assigned a week and will be responsible for providing a skill, sequence or portion of a course to work on. Participants are encouraged to help each other successfully complete that week's challenge. This is a 6-week class.

Prerequisites: This class is for dog and handler teams that are currently competing at the Open level or above.

Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members

Masters Agility Handling

Description: This class will focus on solving handling problems/skills using short sequences. In order to customize the material covered, please email Johnnette click to send mail with the problems/skills you would like to work on. This is a 6-week class.

Prerequisites: This class is for dog and handler teams that are currently competing at the Masters level in agility.

Cost: $105.00. We will not be able to accept teaching certificates as payment in part or in full for this class.

Common Agility Sequences

Description: 180 & 270 degree, two jump threadle, serpentines, and pinwheels will be practiced. We will work on body and motion cues to send our dogs through the jumps and in the right direction. This is a 4 week course.

Prerequisites: Foundations III agility or equivalent.

Cost: $56.00 non-members and $42.00 members

CPE Games

Description: Canine Performance Events is a great venue for beginner handlers and dogs. It is also a great way for experienced handlers to hone in their handling skills needed in AKC and other venues. By playing Snooker, FullHouse, Wildcard, Colors, & Jackpot we'll learn the rules, have lots of fun and be ready for upcoming trials in February and March.

This is a 6 week course.

Prerequisites: Mastery of core skills thru Intermediate Agility 1.

Cost: $85.00 Inactive members/non-members, $63.75 Active members


Description: Tunnels are so much fun. There is so much more to tunnels than just sending your dog in. This course will review pre-cuing tunnel exits, tunnel-tunnel discriminations, tunnel-contact discriminations, Tunnel-dog walk "wraps", and hard to see tunnel entrances.... These skills are applicable to all agility venues. The last session of the 6 week class will end with a tunnelers course.

Prerequisites: Dogs need to have completed Advanced Beginning or APHS I or II.

Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members

Agility Course Analysis

Description: Four courses will be set each day with emphasis on how to read the course, set the dog's line and avoid traps.

Class will be held for two sessions, each 3 hours long.

Prerequisites: Dogs must be qualifying at Novice/Open Levels.

Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members for two days or $45 for non-members, $35 for members for one day.

Agility Course Analysis

Description: Four courses will be set each day with emphasis on how to read the course, set the dog's line and avoid traps.

Class will be held for two sessions, each 3 hours long.

Prerequisites: Dogs must be qualifying at Master/Excellent/Elite Levels.

Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members for two days or $45 for non-members, $35 for members for one day.

Beginning Distance I

Description: During this 6-week course, the dog will work short sequences, off-leash, to increase the distance the dog is comfortable working away from the handler. Sequences will be set up to work more lateral distance between dog and handler. Sequences will be created also to teach the dog to send ahead of the handler. Purpose is to help the dog become more obstacle-focused while still checking with handler for direction, and for the dog to gain confidence working ahead or lateral to the handler.


  • Completion of Intermediate Agility I
  • Dog/handler team able to complete a sequence of 5-10 obstacles
  • Familiarity and comfort with most agility obstacles (especially jumps, a-frame, dog walk)
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members

Beginning Distance II

Description: This class continues the distance work begun in Beginning Distance I. During this 6-week course, the dog will work short sequences, off-leash, to increase the distance the dog is comfortable working away from the handler. Sequences will be set up to work more lateral distance between dog and handler. Sequences will be created also to teach the dog to send ahead of the handler. Purpose is to help the dog become more obstacle-focused while still checking with handler for direction, and for the dog to gain confidence working ahead or lateral to the handler.


  • Completion of Beginning Distance I
  • Completion of Intermediate Agility I
  • Dog/handler team able to complete a sequence of 5-10 obstacles
  • Familiarity and comfort with most agility obstacles (especially jumps, a-frame, dog walk)
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members

Intermediate Distance

Description: Continuation of Distance Class.

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.


Cost: $85.00 non-members, $63.75 members

Agility Skills

Description: The Agility Skills class focuses on specific obstacle or handling skills. The emphasis is on getting extra practice for the dog and handler on specific skills. The focus for each set of classes may vary. Some possible skills covered are contacts, weaves, obstacle discrimination, sending dog out or ahead of handler, etc..


  • Mastery of core skills through Intermediate Agility 1
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: 4 week class 1 1/2 hours long --$120 inactive members/non-members and $90 for active members

Just 4 Fun Agility Games

Description: Just 4 Fun Agility Games is designed to have fun and bond with your dog. A variety of agility games will be played. Emphasis is on having fun with your dog doing agility. Class will be off leash. Obstacles will be at full height. This is a 4-week class.


  • Mastery of core skills through Intermediate Agility I or equivalent
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $56.00 non-members and $42.00 members

Just 4 Fun Agility Games
Pick & Choose

Description: Just 4 Fun Agility Games is designed to have fun and bond with your dog. A variety of agility games will be played. Emphasis is on having fun with your dog doing agility. Class will be off leash. Obstacles will be at full height.

This is a 6 one-session classes. You may Pick and Choose the ones you want to attend.

Session 1 - Tunnelers
Session 2 - Full House
Session 3 - Jacks
Session 4 - Jack Pot
Session 5 - Poker
Session 6 - Wild Card


  • Mastery of core skills through Intermediate Agility I or equivalent
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $7.00 per session.

Just 4 Fun Agility Courses

Description: Just 4 Fun-Agility Courses is for the person who wants to continue having fun and training with their dogs but do not plan on competing. Contact equipment will be at a lower height, weaves (if used) will have wire on them or be offset, and jumps will be set lower than regulation. Dogs will be running on Beginner or Novice courses. This is a 4-week class.

Prerequisites: Agility Beginning 3 or Foundations III

Cost: $56.00 non-members and $42.00 members

NADAC Agility

Description: Rules and regulations of NADAC will be covered as well as sequencing and games. Each week will cover a different set of Intro courses being currently offered in the NADAC venue.

This a four week class, 1 1/2 hours each session.


  • Familiar with all NADAC equipment, weaves optional
  • Dog/Handler must be able to complete a sequence of 8-10 obstacles
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away and be able to work off leash.

Cost: $85.00 Inactive members/non-members, $63.75 members or $22 per session-must pre-register if not taking full class

Novice Handling

Description: For teams that are preparing to compete or are competing at the Novice level. Emphasis will be on handling skills involving course work, sequencing and course analysis. This class will help you build your handling tool box, confidence, and build teamwork with your dog.

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: The dog should have these core skills:

  • Mastery of core skills through Intermediate Agility II
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Advanced Handling

Description: For dogs competing at Open levels or higher. Sequencing and handling skills will be emphasized.

Prerequisites: The dog should have these core skills:

  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler
  • Must have at least one Novice agility title
  • Age 9 months or older

Cost: 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members