Beginning Agility

Description: This class teaches some of the basic skills that you will need to succeed in agility. Dogs and handlers will be introduced to several different types of equipment and confidence building exercises. There is an emphasis on learning in a safe and fun environment. This is a 4-week class.

Prerequisites: Dogs must be 4 months of age or older, friendly around other dogs and have completed a home obedience class and be able to demonstrate basic obedience skills (sit, down, stay, come).

Cost: $56.00 Inactive members/non-members and $42.00 Active members

Beginning 2 - Jumps and Tunnels

Description: This class focuses on two of the main obstacles in agility-jumps and tunnels. Dogs will be introduced to jumping and different types of jumps will be covered - ex: broad, panel, double. It will also cover different lengths of tunnels and configurations. Emphasis is on mastering the completion of these obstacles in a safe manner. Beginning Agility 2: Jumps and Tunnels and Beginning Agility 2: Contacts can be taken in any order.

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 1 or equivalent.

Cost: This is a 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members

Beginning 2 - Contacts

Description: This class introduces the dog-walk, a-frame (at a lower height), teeter and table. Emphasis is on learning to complete these obstacles safely. Beginning Agility 2: Jumps and Tunnels and Beginning Agility 2: Contacts can be taken in any order

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 1 or equivalent.

Cost: This is a 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members.

Beginning 3

Description: This class continues with the work on all obstacles introduced in the Beginning Agility 2 classes. Focus will be on foundation and handling skills - intro crosses, with sequencing of 5 or more obstacles.

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 1, and Beginning Agility 2's classes (Jumps and Tunnels & Contacts) or equivalent.

Core Skills: : By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • Short sequences using jumps, tunnels, A-frame and dogwalk

Cost: This is a 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members.

Beginner Handling

Description: This class will use the table, jumps, hoops and tunnels. We will introduce blind, front and rear crosses, right and left turns and work running in a straight line. Dogs will be off leash.

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 1 and Beginning Agility 2: Jumps and Tunnels.

Cost: This is a 4 week class--$80.00 inactive members/non-members and $60.00 for active members.

Novice Handling

Description: For teams that are preparing to compete or are competing at the Novice level. Emphasis will be on handling skills involving course work, sequencing and course analysis. This class will help you build your handling tool box, confidence, and build teamwork with your dog.

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: The dog should have these core skills:

  • Mastery of core skills through Intermediate Agility II
  • Age 9 months or older
  • Basic obedience skills - come (recall), sit, down, stay
  • Friendly around other dogs
  • Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Intermediate 1

Description: This class is a continuation of Beginning Agility 3 and continues development of each obstacle and handling skills. Weave poles will be introduced. Dogs are expected to work off leash.

Many dogs and handlers benefit from taking Intermediate Agility 1 more than once as they need more time to become comfortable with the equipment and handling skills.

Core skills: By the end of course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • A-frame at full height
  • Introduction of weave poles
  • Sequence of 7+ obstacles
  • Continuation of ground work exercises learned in Beginning Agility
  • Continue working on teeter

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: Beginning Agility 3 or equivalent

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Intermediate 2

Description: This class is a continuation of Intermediate Agility 1 and continues development with each obstacle. During this class we will work on moving to full height for some pieces of equipment and adding more sequencing and handling skills.

Many dogs and handlers benefit from taking Intermediate Agility 2 more than once as they need more time to become comfortable with the equipment and handling skills.

Core skills: By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • A-frame at full height
  • Continue working on teeter
  • Continue working on weave pole
  • Continue with handling skills
  • Sequences of 8-12 obstacles

This is a six hour course which is held over 4 weeks.

Prerequisites: Intermediate Agility 1 or equivalent

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Intermediate 3

Description: : This class is designed to add more handling work and more sequencing. Dogs work off leash. Object discrimination will be introduced. Focus is on mastery of all equipment.

Core skills: By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • Sequence of 10+ obstacles
  • Weave poles with wires (as needed) but no offset
  • Teeter at full height
  • Recall/lead out of dog over obstacles

This is a 6 hour class given in 4 sessions.

Prerequisites: Intermediate Agility 2 or equivalent. Dog 12 months or older. Dog must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Intermediate 4

Description: This class builds on the skills the dogs learn from Intermediate Agility 3. Dogs work off-leash. Object discrimination will be practiced as well as various handling skills. Dogs will learn to run longer obstacle sequences. Focus is on mastery of all equipment including weaves and teeter.

Core skills: By the end of the course, the dogs should have these core skills:

  • Sequence of 10+ obstacles
  • Work towards no wires on weave poles
  • Front/rear/blind crosses
  • Object discrimination

This is a 6 hour class given in 4 sessions.

Prerequisites: Intermediate Agility 3 or equivalent. Dog 12 months or older. Dogs must be under control when working away from handler

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.