Class Registration
TO REGISTER FOR A CLASS ONLINE: Three steps are necessary :
- You must complete this form and press the Submit button.
- You must get your payment to the class coordinator. You can either use PayPal or Class Certificates or mail a Check directly to the coordinator.
- You must have current vet records (parvo, distemper, and rabies) on file with the club or provide a copy via mail or email to the appropriate coordinator.
On this Form use of the Submit button means I agree to be bound by the "Agreement" below.
I agree by my signature to hold 4RK9's, its members, directors, officers, the owner of the premises used for training, and any party or employee of the aforementioned parties, harmless from any claim or loss which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person, animal or things by this dog while in or upon the premises or near the entrance thereto.
I personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim. I further agree to hold aforementioned parties harmless for any such claim for the loss of this dog due to disappearance, theft, damage or injury or any other causes. I am solely responsible for my children's safety and welfare as well as their supervision during the entire time they are present on the training grounds.
To the best of my knowledge this dog is free of any contagious or potentially contagious diseases.
Obedience Class Registration
Class Coordinator :