Puppy Kindergarten

Requirements: Puppies must be between three and six months old at the time class starts.

Description: In this 4-week class, puppies will be socialized and will learn how to:

  • Walk on a leash
  • Sit, down and come when called
  • Manage new situations

We will also discuss potty training, crate training, jumping and any other puppy-related topics such as food, treats and toys.

This is the perfect class for first-time dog owners or anyone looking for a refresher course on raising a new puppy.

Equipment: Owner must bring a leash, collar (no harnesses) and soft treats.

Class length: 45 minutes for 4 weeks

Class size: 6 dogs

Cost: $60 for members; $80 for non-members

Manners I

Requirements: Dogs must be at least three months old at the time class starts.

Description: This 6-week class is designed to teach dogs how to become well-mannered dogs. Dog/handler teams will be taught how to:

  • Sit and down on command
  • Stay - 6'
  • Come when called - 6'
  • Walk politely on leash
  • Dropping toys, food and other items at handler’s request
  • Waiting at doorways
  • Leave it
  • Allowing (in any position) petting by a person other than the owner
  • Allowing owner to brush/groom dog and handle the ears, feet, and teeth
  • Walking by other people and dogs while on leash
  • Reacting to distractions (distractions are presented 15 feet away)
  • Staying on leash with another person (owner walks 10 steps away and returns)

Equipment: Owner must bring a leash, collar, and soft treats.

Class length: 1 hour for 6 weeks

Class size: 8 dogs

Cost: $90 for members; $120 for non-members

Manners II

Requirements: Dogs must have completed the Manners I class or demonstrate equivalent skills.

Description: This 6-week class expands on the skills learned in basic obedience and provides a basic introduction to heeling and other more advanced skills. This class will also provide a strong foundation for our Canine Good Citizen class which focuses on skills such as:

  • Accepting a friendly stranger
  • Sitting politely for petting
  • Walking politely on a loose leash and through a crowd
  • Sitting and downing on command and staying in place
  • Coming when called

Equipment: Owner must bring a leash, collar (no harnesses) and soft treats.

Class length: 1 hour for 6 weeks

Class size: 8 dogs

Cost: $90 for members; $120 for non-members


Requirements: Dogs must have completed the Beginner Obedience class or demonstrate equivalent skills.

Description: Dog/handler teams will be taught behavior shaping skills and methods to learn tricks including those listed under the AKC Trick dog title guidelines. This is a 4-week class unless otherwise noted. (Not offered every session.)

Class length: 1 hour for 4 weeks

Class size: 8 dogs

Cost: $90 for members; $120 for non-members

Canine Good Citizen and Novice Tricks

Description: The class will focus on the 10 stages a dog must pass in order to receive the Canine Good Citizen Certification (see AKC Canine Good Citizen on AKC website for more details on tests). At the end of each class we will work on one of the tricks that can be used towards a Novice or Intermediate Tricks title (see AKC trick dog on AKC website for more details). The novice tricks test is free for students who take the CGC class. See Events page for Test Schedule.

Prerequisites: Dog must be at least 6 months old and must have taken at least one Obedience class.

Class length: 1 hour for 6 weeks

Cost: $90 for members; $120 for non-members

Beginner Novice (Competition Class)

Requirements: Dogs must have completed the Advanced Beginner class or demonstrate equivalent skills.

Description: This 6-week class will provide new handlers with an introduction to formal showing in the obedience ring. It will also teach dog/handler teams the exercises necessary to compete in AKC-sanctioned dog shows in the Beginner Novice (BN) class. These include:

  • Focused Heeling and Footwork
  • Figure Eight
  • Sit for exam
  • Sit stay
  • Recall
  • Introduction to dog shows

Equipment: Owner must bring a leash, collar (no harnesses) and soft treats.

Class length: 1 hour for 6 weeks

Class size: 8 dogs

Cost: $90 for members; $120 for non-members

Therapy Dog Readiness Class

Description: This 4-week class focuses on practicing skills that any therapy dog will need: heeling properly, good down/stays and sit/stays. Other skills focus on greeting people respectfully, not jumping or scratching with claws and staying calm when exposed to loud noises, unexpected actions by other people and wheelchairs, walkers, etc. A mock test will be offered on the last day.

Prerequisites: Dog must know the basic commands, (sit, stay, down, come, walk on a loose leash), and be dog and people friendly.

Cost: $60 for members; $80 for non-members

AKC FitDog 1

Requirements: Dogs should understand the training game, and be able to focus on tasks during class. Owners should understand lure-reward based training methods, capturing and shaping as training concepts may also be used in class.

This course is for healthy dogs with no significant prior injuries or ongoing conditions. This course is NOT for dogs recovering from injuries, who are morbidly obese, dogs in pain, or puppies under 12 months old.

Description: This Course is an ideal way to motivate, challenge, and inspire yourself to be more active with your dog. Simple fitness exercises stimulate the dog’s brain and body, helping eliminate problem behaviors and curb boredom and anxiety.

This Course is designed to provide a foundation to bring fun, fitness classes to students. It is designed to inspire dog owners to engage in fitness-related activities with their dogs while minimizing the risk of injury or harm due to inexperienced instruction. It is recommended that participants in the class complete at least a puppy class or the equivalent.

Exercise categories that will be covered during classes:

  • Cardio
  • Flexibility
  • Balance/Strength
  • Mental Fitness
  • Confidence Building

The final class will be an assessment of skills from the six weeks of class. (Requirements and Description from AKC)

Equipment: Owner must bring a leash, collar and soft treats and poop bags, bug spray and sun screen for humans.

Location: Various parks in Cedar Rapids-will start at Cherry Hill Park, SW Cedar Rapids, and/or residential backyard.

Class length: 1 hour for 6 weeks

Cost: $90 for members; $120 for non-members

AKC Rally I

Description:This 4-week class is designed to introduce AKC rally to new teams. It will cover all the AKC novice signs, work on heel position and introduce doing multiple signs in a row building up to completing a full course. Each class will be one hour long.

Equipment: Owner must bring a leash, collar (no harnesses) and soft treats.

Prerequisites: Manners II or equivalent

Cost: $60 for Active members; $80 for non-members

Rally Skills

Description:This 4-week class is designed to help handlers teach their dogs behaviors that will make them more successful in the rally ring-heeling off leash, halts, change of position, fronts, finishes, jumping, recalls. Handlers/dogs do not need to be at a certain "level" in rally but dogs that are working at the AKC novice/intermediate or UKC RO1/RO2 levels would probably benefit more from this class. Handlers should be aware that I will not be setting up courses nor will we focus on signs. AKC and UKC will be addressed. This is a four week class with 1 1/2 hour sessions.

Prerequisites: Puppies must be at least three months old at the time class starts.

Cost: $120 for non-members/inactive members; $90 for active members.

Open Competition Obedience

Description: The class will focus on the eight to ten exercises used in AKC and UKC Open Obedience. Including Greetings, Heel Free and Figure Eight, Command Discrimination, Drop on Recall, Retrieve on Flat, Retrieve Over High Jump, Broad Jump, Stand Stay - Get Your Leash, and Socialized Heeling.

Prerequisites: Dogs should be working at the novice level. They should be reliable for off leash heeling, off leash recall and stays.

Cost: $90 for members; $120 for non-members