4RK9s Rally Course Maker
Please try V3.8. Version 3.6 is slated to go away.
A few new things in version 3.8
- You now have the ability to enlarge upon the standard sign size. The course size does not change but the sign size does. Size = 1.0 is the standard you are used to. Size 2.0 is twice as big.
- Printing has been optimized for normal Printer settings. You no long need to set scaling to less than 100%, nor should you need to minimize margins.
- When printing on a single sheet you have the option of allowing the course to be rotated. When the Length is longer than the width a rotated page allows a map print size and thus better readability.
Help will be updated soon. As always let me know if things don't look right.
Select a sign size enlargement
4RK9s Rally Course Builder
Makes Course Builder List from a complete set of Course Maker Files.